“Medieval Sex Lives” at Previously… Scotland’s History Festival 2019. .
“Licit and illicit sex: female prostitution and male homosexuality in Renaissance Florence,” Birkbeck Medieval Seminar, 21 June 2019

Public Talks
Conference panel (organiser): “Shame, Gender, and the Body in Early Modern Europe” Renaissance Society of America Conference, Dublin March 2022. Paper: “The Monastery of Sant’Elisabetta delle Convertite as a place of penitence and prevention.” Paper postponed to RSA Virtual Meeting, December 2022, due to Covid-19 pandemic.
“Convertite Nuns and the Grand Ducal Family in Early Seventeenth-Century Tuscany,” Renaissance Society of America Virtual Conference April 2021
Conference paper: “Bodies on trial: sex, sexuality, and gender before the courts in Florence,” Society for Renaissance Studies Biannual Conference, June 2021 (paper accepted; conference cancelled due to Covid-19)
Seminar paper: “An act of charity against an act of wickedness: Prostitutes, nuns, and Jews in seventeenth-century Florence” at the University of St Andrews Early Modern and Modern History Forum, April 2018
“A nefarious and unnatural evil: How prostitution was used as an anti-sodomy measure, and how anti-sodomy measures were used to fund former prostitute nuns in Renaissance Florence,” LGBT History Month forum, University of St Andrews, 23 February 2018
“Sex and the City: Locating Prostitution in Late Medieval Florence,” Gender and Transgression, University of St Andrews, May 2017
“A Guild for Prostitutes? Rethinking Prostitution and the Onestà in Renaissance Florence,” Society for Renaissance Studies Biannual Conference, Glasgow, July 2016