Chapter: “Prostitution, repentance and social welfare” in Do Good Unto All: Charity and Poor Relief Across Christian Europe, 1400-1800, Tim Fehler and Jared Thomley (eds), Manchester University Press (2023)
Chapter: "Florence's Prostitutes: Dangerous Women Serving the City" in Dangerous Women: Fifty Reflections on Women, Power, and Identity, Jo Shaw, Ben Fletcher-Watson, Abrisham Ahmadzadeh (eds), (Unbound, 2022).
Review of Mannock Strickland (1683-1744): Agent to English Convents in Flanders. Letters and Accounts from Exile edited by Richard G. Williams, for the Innes Review Vol. 69 no. 2 (Autumn 2018)
17 entries in A Biographical Encyclopedia of Early Modern Englishwomen: Exemplary Lives and Memorable Acts, 1500-1650, Carole Levin, Anna Riehl Bertolet, Jo Eldridge Carney eds. (Routledge 2017)